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Local Landmark Eligibility


For property in the City of Fullerton to be eligible for Local Landmark status, it must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Architectural significance that embodies distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or that represents the work of a notable architect, or that possesses high artistic values
  • Association with the lives of persons significant to Fullerton's past
  • Association with significant events or the social history of Fullerton, including the City's educational, social, and economic development

For a property to qualify, it must generally be at least fifty years old and retain a high degree of historic integrity. Examples of properties usually NOT considered for listing are reconstructed buildings, moved properties, birthplaces, and graves, although exceptions may be made.

Fullerton Heritage is able to assist owners in determining if their property qualifies for Local Landmark designation. If you would like Fullerton Heritage to assist you in the process of researching and requesting the property for designation as a Local Landmark, the following sequence is carried out:

  • The property owner writes a letter to Fullerton Heritage asking that research of the property be conducted for its historical significance (see sample letter)
  • Research will be done to evaluate the property's historical significance
  • If the research reveals that the property qualifies for Local Landmark designation and the property owner wishes to proceed with having the property so designated, Fullerton Heritage will complete the application/nomination form that must be submitted to the Community Development Department of the City of Fullerton
  • Prior to submission, a draft of the application/nomination form will be returned to the property owner for review and approval. A completed application/nomination form must be signed by the property owner and his/her signature notarized
  • The application/nomination is sent to the Community Development Department of the City of Fullerton where it is reviewed
  • As part of the review process, the request for Local Landmark status is considered by the Landmarks Commission with a public hearing; the Commission with either approve or disapprove of the request

If you would like to know what Local Landmark designation confers to a property, please contact Fullerton Heritage, the Community Development Department of the City of Fullerton, and/or other Local Landmark property owners.

Initial research on a property in Fullerton can be conducted in the Launer Local History Room of the Fullerton Public Library. The Fullerton Heritage website includes a current list of Fullerton Significant Properties, an architectural history of notable buildings and neighborhoods titled Fullerton through theYears, and Design Guidelines for Residential Preservation Zones.

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P.O. Box 3356
Fullerton, CA 92834-3356
(714) 740-3051

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