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Muddled & Conflicted Architecture

Muddling means to alter, remodel, or "modernize" a building so that a previously possessed architecture or historic character is no longer recognizable. It can also involve mixing the real character of a building with fanciful and inaccurate recreations. Muddling is usually done out of misguided attempts to "improve" a building. Marring a building's original architectural style often adversely affects the resale value.

Examples of muddling can be found on the back page of each issue of Old House Journal that has published this popular feature since October 1981.

After a building has been muddled, it is often very difficult to determine or identify the building's original architectural style. There are a few examples of muddled buildings in Fullerton ; the most prominent is a California bungalow modernized for commerical use at 619 N. Harbor Boulevard.

As a variation of muddling, conflicted architecture relates to additions to the original building which are completely foreign in style and scale. In these cases, the add-on may be removed and the original architecture easily restored. Examples of this type of "modernization" that have taken place in Fullerton include commercial properties at 425 qne 435 W. Commonwealth Avenue and 511-513 S. Harbor Boulevard.

Office building - 619 N. Harbor Boulevard
Office building
619 N. Harbor Boulevard


Commercial building - 425 W. Commonwealth Avenue
Commercial building
425 W. Commonwealth Avenue


Commercial building - 435 W. Commonwealth Avenue
Commercial building
435 W. Commonwealth Avenue


Commercial building - 511 S. Harbor Boulevard
Commercial building
511 S. Harbor Boulevard



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